Cover Libro

DISRUPTION. Guida per navigare i cambiamenti estremi.

NEW – November 2023

In un contesto di incessante mutamento, in cui le logiche consolidate di competizione e crescita appaiono inadeguate, il ruolo del CEO sta subendo una significativa trasformazione. Da semplice esecutore di strategie, il CEO si sta reinventando come un «Chief Equilibrium Officer», ovvero una figura capace non soltanto di guidare, ma anche di interpretare con agilità i mutamenti, riconoscere le disarmonie e ridisegnare un equilibrio all’interno delle strutture organizzative. Basandosi su intuizioni tratte dalla rivista MIT Sloan Management Review, questo volume si configura come una risorsa indispensabile per i leader contemporanei, desiderosi di instaurare una cultura aziendale che sappia coniugare innovazione e sostenibilità.

Corporate Sustainability in Practice book cover

Corporate Sustainability in Practice

(2021 – 13,000 accesses)

Building better organisations, with a clear sense of purpose, is a common challenge faced by many entrepreneurs and executives in industry. A fully integrated corporate sustainability strategy can help organisations to better manage risks, to win business opportunities and to ultimately strengthen reputation. Building on the experience of renowned strategists, sustainability, finance and academic experts, this book offers practical tools and approaches that can be used to develop and implement fully integrated corporate sustainability strategies.

Corporate Sustainability book cover

Corporate Sustainability

(2013 – 74,000 accesses)

Sustainability is one of the key issues in today’s society, as confirmed by the increasing attention of governments, media, academia and the industry. Businesses that are often referred to as part of the problem can become part of the solution. This book presents the state of the art of sustainability in corporations from several perspectives. The relevance of the topics addressed makes the book essential reading for academics, practitioners, consultants and more generally, for all those interested in business evolution and sustainability. The book was written by prominent researchers from Italy, India, the USA and the UK.

Business Performance Measurement and Management book cover

Business Performance Measurement and Management

(2010 – 106,000 accesses)

Measuring and managing the performance of a business is one of the most genuine desires of management. Balanced scorecard, the performance prism and activity-based management are the most popular frameworks in this setting. Based on the findings of R.G. Eccles’ acclaimed “Performance Measurement Manifesto (1991)” this book introduces new contexts and themes of application and presents emerging research areas related to business performance measurement and management, e.g. SMEs and sustainability. This book is written both for students and academics, as well as for practitioners looking for new, yet proven ways to measure and manage business performance.
